Wednesday, June 8, 2016

World War II Weekend

A few reenactors. I liked how the gentleman on his smartphone retained his "commanding" posture.

Rosie and the peace sign.

It's always interesting to see children at this event. Declan and I started going to Reading, PA, sometime around 2006, when he was just nine years old. There is the father/son connection, but there is also a reminder that many of those sent off to war were still youngsters themselves. You can see that even the older guys that wear the uniforms are still "playing army," just that now they have more money to spend to get an authentic look.
You can't escape the idea that war is violence in the extreme. As a father, I try to keep my children safe and away from violence. Here, it is all around, and the tools of war are celebrated.

'Nuff said.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Oddity in the Garden

Exploring the garden in the morning as the dogs do their duty as sentry, investigator and destroyer, I find myself seeking some perspective I've not seen before, or attracts me again and again.

In the contemporary tradition of selfies, I noticed one of the mirrors in the garden is slipping into otherwordliness...

I love this piece hanging on a garden wall.  Slowly it's being consumed by age and algae.  Seems only right that I celebrate it's journey.  Not sure what it is but I find this little item full of mystery.  

Not enough of that in the world.