Sunday, May 8, 2016

Black and White Views

More and more I find myself drawn back toward black and white images.  The simplicity of not having to deal with color seems to be more closely aligned to how I see, or process things personally.
These images were made while casually looking -- the first during a walk with the dogs in the garden and the second while riding the Vespa.

Not sure what to make of either of them aside from sensing a connection between what I saw and how I feel looking at them now.  That's something right?


  1. The bottom image is familiar. I wonder if there is envy expressed---as if you are saying "you got it lucky, pal, standing alone, peaceful." But, perhaps it is more of a salute to the quiet moments, a nod to the power of time spent alone with one's thoughts.
    For me, the top image celebrates the skewed ladder. The other shapes stand vertical, aligned. The ladder provides a contrast in direction---a freshness. The whole scene makes me think of the building blocks I played with as a child.

    1. I think you're right about envy. I search out places that are peaceful and have a measure of aloneness. Rather than searching perhaps I should get some...

      I had to look at the picture with the ladder again and I see your point about the building blocks. There is a simplicity to the shapes that is much like the world as a kid with a box of blocks.

      Another expressed desire for simplicity maybe? I'll have to look through some of my recent photographs for patterns.
